Dermatology is a branch of medicine that deals with skin and its diseases. It deals with both medical and surgical aspects. A dermatologist deals with cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair and nails. This branch of medicine has several sub specialties.
Immunodermatology is a sub specialty that deals with the immunity of the skin and the diseases. Some of these diseases include bullous, lupus and pemphigoid. Others are pemphigus vulgaris and other skin disorders.
Mohs surgery is a sub specialty that deals with the excision of skin cancers using a tissue-sparing technique. For physicians to be trained in this technique, they ought to have trained in both pathology and surgery.
Cosmetic dermatology is another sub specialty of this branch of medicine. It deals with things such as cosmetic surgery. Some of the cosmetic procedures include liposuction, blepharoplasty and face lifts.
Most dermatologists limit their cosmetic practice to minimally invasive procedures. Teledermatology is a sub specialty that deals with options to view skin conditions over a large distance. This helps in the exchange of information. It also helps experts in the field to get a second opinion on certain issues. Through the exchange of information, the experts make follow-up on individuals with chronic skin conditions.
Dermatopathology deals with the pathology of the skin. This is a field that is shared by both dermatologists and pathologists. Pediatric dermatology is another sub specialty.
This field deals with complex diseases of the neonates and other hereditary skin diseases. Some of the therapies provided by dermatologists include cosmetic filler injections, hair transplantation and laser therapy that helps in the management of birthmarks and skin disorders. They also offer photodynamic therapy in the cases of skin cancer and other precancerous growths.
Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on acne and its treatment: Acne.
Dermatology - What Does it Deal With?By Mercy Maranga
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