Provides Increased Efficacy
A new skin rejuvenation treatment promises dramatic skin tightening and cellulite treatment with no downtime compared with other skin anti-aging care approaches. This recent innovation in laser skin treatments combines two radio frequency modes into one device, effectively delivers two treatments in one.
The Accent Dual Mode RF System uses unipolar and bipolar radio frequency to tighten skin by focusing laser on both shallow and deep tissue depths. By using two radio frequencies - one that treats thinner skin, such as skin that lies just over bone, and one that penetrates deeper into dermal and sub-dermal tissues, the technology can be used to treat a wide range of aesthetic conditions.
Some benefits of this approach are that it is non-invasive, requires no anesthesia, and is a virtually painless skin rejuvenation treatment. Skin tightening laser treatments that are less invasive and provide for a speedier recovery.
The Accent Dual Mode RF System, because it does not use consumables, allows the treatment of larger areas of tissue to be more effective, making for minimal recovery time compared to earlier treatments. The technology can also be combined with other non-surgical facelift procedures to enhance its skin-tightening effects. Many patients are noticing a significant difference in skin laxity immediately following treatment.
Accent Dual Mode was developed by Alma Lasers Ltd., a leading developer and marketer of light, laser, and radio frequency-based aesthetic devices used in dermatology. Clinical trials of the technology demonstrated that Accent was particularly effective in the treatment of skin laxity in the neck.
Bruce E. Katz, M.D. is Clinical Professor of Dermatology at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Director of the Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic at Mount Sinai Medial Center, and Director of the JUVA Skin & Laser Center located at 60 East 56th Street in Manhattan.
By Bruce Katz, M.D.
Article Source:,_M.D.